Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Welcome to My Blog!

I have no idea how you got here, but thanks for stopping by.  I plan to post this as my first blog, once I create the site (I’m kind of way way behind on the blognomenon, but I’m working on it now).

My name is Steve and I have no idea where to start.  I guess the reason for the blog in the first place is as good a spot as any.  Pretty much my main purpose is to connect with my readers.  Saying something like that still seems weird to me.  I think I’m pretty interesting, and I have a whole lot of stories I could share, but I’ve always been so EXTREMELY private that opening myself up through a blog seems antithetical.

However, I recognize a strange phenomenon related to books, readers, and authors.  In my experience, when I find a good book, I feel a connection to the characters, and also to the author.  I admit, after I read a book I enjoy, I look up information about the author.  I read the back cover, Google or Bing them, and ask my friends about them.  I’ve never been fanatic about it, but I’ve done it nonetheless.  So, I’m hoping that when you read my books, you feel the same connection, to them and to me.  And in trying to satisfy your curiosity I’ve started this blog.

So, welcome to my circumlocution.  I’m glad you’re here!  I hope to at least give you a chuckle with my posts, but mostly I want to strengthen that bond you feel and satisfy your curiosity.

 I care about my characters; to me they’ve come alive.  I sometimes wonder what they’re up to while I’m on a different project.  Weird?  Maybe.  But I’m hoping my writing doesn’t get in the way of you meeting and caring for the characters too.  I hope they come alive for you as well.

As part of the connection and curiosity satisfying, I hope you take the time to leave a comment, because I’m curious about YOU too.

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