Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Check It Out

A week or so ago I came across a book reviewer named Shaynie who analyzes YA and middle-school material.  She looks for books that are good reads but free of gratuitous sex and violence.  I was impressed with the site.  I suggest you check her out because she's put in a lot of work to find books suitable for Christian families.

We've emailed back and forth for a few days and she's in the process of reviewing Davina's Magical Radio.  She expects the review to be up on her site about the middle of next week.  I'll let you know when the review is up.  But whether she likes Davina's Magical Radio or not (how could she not?), I still suggest you check out the site at: www.bookreviewsbymyself.blogspot.com

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much, Steve! :D Of course I like the book! :D
