Thursday, March 31, 2011

Sleep is Overrated

I couldn’t sleep last night, not a wink.  I did manage a short nap this afternoon though.  I was just telling my wife the advantages of being awake for twenty-two hours:  I got a lot of stuff done.

Of course, the flip-side is I’m so groggy I would have probably got the same amount of things done in half the time if I was well rested.  But luckily I’m too groggy to think about the flip-side.

So, yea me for getting stuff done, lol!  (My wife and I just had a discussion about whether I should spell yea like I did or instead use "yay".  I mean “Woot” etc. but I’m wondering if yea is how old folks say that and yay is what younger folks say.  In World of Warcraft I mostly see my younger guildies use yay.  I’m just wondering.)

Nonetheless, my newly edited versions of Davina’s Magical Radio have gone live at Amazon and Smashwords.  CreateSpace approved the revisions and I’ve ordered the newest proofs.  Keep your fingers crossed that this time I uploaded the correct file.

I’m off to watch Big Bang Theory (we dvr’d it) with my wife.  She told me tonight’s episode is about hackers on WOW.  Believe it or not, my oldest son’s account got hacked and all of his stuff was stolen not long ago, so I know the plot exactly.  My son eventually got his stuff back, but the whole process soured us on WOW.  Now both my boys play Rift.  I don’t because my computer is too old to meet the needed specs.

But that just gives me more time to write!

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